Friday, April 26, 2013

Santa Barbara, Part 2

Here is part 2 of our trip to Santa Barbara! 
These pictures were taken just on our first two days of being there (there is a part three to come :) We usually keep the same schedule while we are there, basically sleep in ( thank you to those dark thick curtains that keep the room black as night even in the brightest morning hours. The girls seriously sleep in until 9 am! alleluia!), get up, walk to breakfast on property, go for a beautiful walk, swim, eat, sleep. It is absolutely relaxing and everyone is happy. 
we get to take our left over drinks from dinner to go! can't let good wine go to waste ;)^

^ chasing bunnies on the resort is one of Sophia's favorite things to do^
^ i love that the beach is so close! ^

^ the resort has this amazing sand area with a huge basket of toys! The girls loved it. Zaylee is really into putting things into buckets lately, so she had a blast!^ 

after the hard day of driving up to Santa Barbara with the girls, i think we made up for it the next day ;)

Part 3 to come soon...

Have a wonderful weekend!

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